Ini adalah wawancara asli saya dengan Franklin,
mualaf asal New York, AS. Waktu itu Mbak Evi Meinar minta wawancara in
english setelah profilnya saya muat di Annida.
Sekalian saja saya posting di MP :). Saya sudah minta izin, dan
Franklin seneng banget. Dia bilang silakan banget disebarkan ke siapa
saja interviewnya. Semoga bermanfaat. Salam, Rahmadiyanti Jakarta
Interview: Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Rahiim… and This is the interview.
did revert to Islam just around the month of May 2005. There are so
many reasons, but the main was that I believe that those who want to be
so close to Allah, whether your Jewish, Hindu, atheist, Christian; for
it is the true Jews that find Christianity, and its the true Christians
that find Islam, and its the true Muslims that find God.
2. Could you tell us your journey to Islam? (and what was your reason to change your religion?)
Qur'an is the main reason i reverted to Islam. It tells me the real
truth, about Allah, about my human nature, and many others. I was
extremely attracted upon reading it since the beginning. When I was 10, I
wanted to become a priest, that becoming a priest wasn't in my best
interest, b/c of not being able to get married. That was one of the
biggiest issues for me. I thought about it for awhile but when I was
really getting into the priest hood I learned that not having a wife
will be very difficult, so I backed down.
when I started College, I started to get really into studying religion,
and I met an old friend (The history between me and my friend was that
while I was studing the Bible at High School sitting alone at the lunch
room, this guy was at the other end of the corner practicing his which
cralf. He was a Pagan who worshipped Satan. So basically me and this guy
where worst enemies and never talked. If I wasn't so quiet and if he
known about me he would have probably placed a corse on me or something.
after he almost lost his life senior year of High School from a drug
over dose he found God as he said, but in reality what he found was
Jesus the Messiah. I started talking to him online when he found my
screen name and he chated so much about religion. We both gained
knowledge from each other. It's interesting how Allah guided me and him
to meet since we came from opposite sides of background. While talking
to him and studying he introduced me to a women called Rebecca Brown.
Rebecca Brown was a leader who in my opinion was starting a cult similar
to Elijah Mohammed, she tought things different from what the bible
taught. She claimed blashemphy firstly that Jesus is the Lord, she met
with demons and Angels alike, and most worstly that her husband is a
prophet of God, don't all prophets have some sort of a miracle?
after studying her books for a while I became very attached to her. I
saw her as my leader. I started getting very involved in Christianity,
and I saw the errors of the Catholic Church through her books, and my
friend, such as how the priest is some what closer to God then you, that
you have to repent to him and say "Forgive me father for I have
sinned", how is he closer to God then you, I thought to myself, why
can't I just to talk to God directly not through a priest who can be a
great man, or the opposite.
Anyway I
decided that I was going to become Christian, and get baptisted, again, a
month from now, which was on April 28 2005. Meanwhile at College, I
started to make many films such as "Great Cons: Evolution", "Judgement
Day", and many others. I also started to become an active preacher,
preaching any chance I got at my college, which many of the students
where atheist, and I was trying to inspire them to believe in Jesus
Christ, God's only begotten son. So one day, I had the oppurtunity to
speak at my speech class of an object that means a lot to me.
I choose the Bible. Also readers, keep in mind, I was struggling from a
speech ipidiment, but my faith healed it that day. I thought very
possitively, thinking, "Look at Moses, he had a speech ipidiment, and
look at him, he became a great leader, even a Prophet. I'm not going to
let me v- vo- voice stop me. " So I presumed with the speech, and it
came out very well. After that to many of my peers at college, they saw
me as the "religion man", and I loved it.
started when i became stronger in Christianity and became a very young
preacher of gospel in my school. I realized that in my school there were
many Atheist, and other mixtures of religion, whom i must preach to the
m the gospel. So i decided to study different types of religion. After
seeing the movie Malcolm X, from skimming throught the channels, there
was a part that I saw him praying in the film. I started to start my
last projectfor my film class about the life of Jesus, but basically in
still life form. As I started to study other relgions for I can say if
any one asks, what other religions i know I can say and talk about them
with knowledge. A week till my baptism.
the day I was suppose to get baptisted I got very upset and depressed, I
lost my faith in God, I tried to forget about him, I decided to take
revenge on him which was a big mistake, and made me even more depressed.
My friend Miguel described comments "When you first started talking
about how you were learning new powers to preach about God, I was
astonished because God doesn't teach in that fashion his spiritual
gifts, he gives and he himself teaches and molds them, not being taught
how by man.
I started to learn that
his obession for power was growing because he felt he can do all these
things, even though it was satanic in nature. I say satanic because I
indulged heavily into satanism and paganism. Like Frank, I had a craving
for power that would bring you down into Satan's kingdom more. Franklin
would become violent for many reasons. No one allowing him his own time
to himself, or for homework, or for someone doing him wrong in work or
outside. Depression is very common for those who get into witchcraft,
even if it is something as small as casting a little spell or astral
projecting. The more he listened to the guy leading him into sin, the
more I decided to keep seeking his salvation. Never peaceful because you
were always angry, no love because you felt alone in the world, and
neglected. Full of pride because you had some sort of power, and you
loved doing it and describing how good you were. Loads of anger issues,
outbursts of just screaming and cursing because things never went your
After attent after attent trying
to pray to Satan, I could not, I know that God had a plan for me, but I
was being ignorant, trying to forget him, but it was impossible. I
realized my ignorance and that my adobe will be hell, So I decided to
look at the other religions and search for God. It was the worst month
of my life. I wanted revenge on God, for making me so confused. Then I
remembered Malcolm X, in the film, praying. So the first thing I did was
go to the moive store and brought the movie Malcolm X. watching the
movie really inspired me to research Islam.
I got my first Qur'aan in the mail I started to read it right away, I
loved the way Islam was, everything I believed in since I was younger
was all in Islam. For example, that men should grow their beards, that
women should cover there bodies (because over here in New York most of
the women are like advertising their bodies like zagat for men) and many
little other stuff like that. Also when I read the Quraan, it was so
miraculous, everything I thouht in my head, like dought, etc, God
answered it, as if he was talking to me directly, its only in Islam that
the true muslims have that connection.
my Christian friend Miguel reminded me who was Jesus was, and I
realized that I was getting way ahead of myself, I cannot abandon the
lord Jesus Christ. So I thought, Islam made much much more sense then
Chrisitanity, but if I convert then I would be abandoning Jesus. So
there was only one way to get an answer, pray to God. And this was very
wierd, during these two weeks of studying, I was becoming very
emotional, I was not doing well on my film, about Jesus, I started to
wonder was it a real crucifiction or a cruci-fiction, was it true or
And on top of that, I lost all of
my Christian friends, you don't know who you true friends are, what the
Christians did to me, got me very angry, just becuase they saw me with
the Quran studying my God, they said they dont want to accosiate
themselves with a devil worshipper. So I let them be, and from them
doing what they done to me, made me even study even harder, I realized
that I had nobody to help only God, so I started to pray to God "Please
show me the correct religion" and after that prayer, I met a muslim. And
he started to teach me of what he knows.
I decided again to pray that prayer again, "God, show me the true
religion", I met another muslim out of no where, asking me, to show me
islam. And this happen 5 times altogether. Then I decided to go to a
Mosq for the first time, to see what the heck islam is really about, I
went with a revert to Islam named Adam Kobzan, I have never seen him
before, but he told me to wait for him near the Mosq. Now fellow muslims
out there, you gotta realize that for a devoute Christian to enter a
Mosq is the scariest thing EVER! As I was outside the Mosq in the city, I
saw so many different types of Muslims, hailing from all over the
world, mostly arab and black, and I thought to myself, that this was
only a religion from the East, and that it wasn't for me.
I recieved a call from Adam that he is looking for me, and the whole
time he was right next to me, but I was expecting some arab guy with a
huge beard wearing a dress, but it was the opposite. A white guy in a
tie clean shaved (but now he got a long beard subhana Allah) so I was
very surprised. After praying at the Mosq Adam introduced me to an Imam,
for he can explain islam to me one on one, as he did. He locked me in a
room with two knowledgable muslim men and himself, and they talked to
me, we where in that room for 3 hours straight debating. But I couldnt
win, how can i argue with common sense. I finally accepted, and was
convinced. They asked me if I want to make the Shahada, I said now, but
in my heart I wanted to. I wanted to first talk to my friend Miguel, and
he warned me that I will be abandoning Jesus if I did so. So one last
time, I prayed to God, to ask him, to show me the truth, and this was
very shocking to me, the Quran on my right hand, my thumb was on it, I
got the urge to read what was under it, and God said to me "If you doute
in this book, find me a book like" and right there and then, I wanted
to become muslim, I couldnt wait.and thank God, I made my shahada a week
later and brought a few other to islam with Allahs will. Now I must
figure out what is the most effective way to spread islam in America,
thats where I'll be.
3. How's your feeling after change your religion?
the beginning I still questioned Islam so much. I was a Muslim, I
accepted the teachings and what this Allah said in his book. But I still
search for errors, because if I can find at least one error in the
Qur’aan then I can prove it’s false. But it’s impossible. I as mentioned
above, the reason I came into Islam is because God's clear signs, and
one can't ignore them. Everyone has a choice, to believe in a book that
contradicts itself and makes no sense, or believe in a book that says
the rest of the books where once His book, the same God, and has
scientifically proven facts in it, which has so many miracles in it.
Which to choose…
4. Did you face any problems after your conversion? And how's your parents, family, or society about your conversion?
family doesn't know about my reversion, but they had noticed that I am
more religiously active. As a great Imam I know named Imam Shamsi Ali
told me, "When one reverts, they must make a good impression to their
family," so if any new reverts are reading this, or any one thinking
about coming into to this true religion of Allah, the best way to let
your family and friends know is to change your ways; become a better
person, stop doing the bad things you done previously, although the main
purpose of this is to praise Allah try to make a good impression, so
when your family and friends find out they will see that you have become
a much better person then before. My parents do not know that I am a
Muslim yet, but inshallah I will show them with this magazine that I
respect so much, Subhana Allah.
about my friends, I was becoming a Christian missionary, trying to
spread the word of the Gospel of Jesus and how he was the begotten son
of God (baloney; cough, cough). But when many of my Christian friends
saw that I was reading the Qur'aan or other Islamic information, they
decided to not be my friends. I lost many friends after conversion to
Islam. I lost some of my main connections for film to start my career
off, the main one from the United Pentecostal Church where I was going
to have been making Christian inspiration films for churches all over
many parts of America and also in India. So I lost my friends, college
wasn't going so good any more (I was doing this Christian film of how
Jesus Christ died on the Cross, and when I was almost done, I was
wondering if we ever even died, like could I have been doing something
wrong), and on top of that Islam was making a lot of sense, which
angered me so much.
5. Do you have any advice for someone who is studying Islam?
me personally I was finding that Islam is a vicious cycle - I wanted to
know more, but the more I knew, the less I felt I had known, which
makes me wonder, what else I don't know, so I want to know more. So in
other words, there will be many people telling you, not to explore this
religion, but the Bible even mentions to use to explore religion, and
make sure you are in the right one. Also think about this to yourself,
what is the only religion that follows all of the commandments of God,
or what did Jesus really say, why did Jesus come (Mathrews 5 verse 17,
to make sure all of the commandments of Moses/God will never be broken)
so think to yourself, what is the only religion that does this. I also
recommend to those exploring for the true religion to read the gospel of
Barnabas, which was removed from the new testament of the Bible. God’s
signs are so clear, I recommend also to look of the miracles of the
Qur’aan, and compared its miracles to the Bible or Torah, which where
both God’s books, but have been corrupted by man. I ask a favor from
those who do not believe. Read the Qur'aan, if God doesn't truly speak
to you through it, or give you clear signs then Islam is a false
6. What's your opinion about Indonesia?
learned that in Indonesia is at 88% Muslim, my question is why isn't
Indonesia is at 100% Islam? Surely some Muslims aren't doing their jobs.
I believe every Muslim should at least take part in spreading Islam.
Every Muslims goal should to at least revert at least one believer into
Islam. If this Muslim who strives to spread the message, and doesn't get
one person into Islam before he dies, Allah will reward this person
greatly, for Allah knows what’s in all of our hearts. I prefer that the
committed Muslims in Indonesia will spread the message of Islam through
online, but please know what you are talking about and do not speak if
you don't know the answer, because blasphemy is a great sin.
7. What's your opinion about terrorist?
a none-Muslim Islam is about oppressing women, killing people, and
committing suicide for their God. Al hamdulillah, after becoming a
Muslim it is very clear to me that Islam has nothing absolutely to do
with violence and terrorism. Evils are evils and Muslims are Muslims.
You may be Muslims and doing evilness, but that does not mean your
religion is evil. Many Christians or Jews are doing evilness, but should
we say that their religions are evils? If you think about Adorf Hitler,
what religion was he? For someone to say Islam is a religion of terror,
that is not logical, I tell that person to read the Qur'aan and see
what we believe rather then listen to the media and believe what it says
like most Americans do.
8. Why did you interest on making film?
you have plan to make film about Islam like you almost did about Jesus?
Cause I think Islam has so many interesting story, about Rasulullah
(PBUH), his friends, etc.
My future
plans are to make Islamic movies and comics, Islam is growing so much in
these non-Islamic countries, I believe this is a sign from God that the
end of times are coming very soon, this is why so many miracles in the
Qur'aan are being revealed in this era. Allah is trying to save as many
people as he can from hell fire, but it is up to us the Muslims to
spread the word.
My plan is to make
Islam known in my country very well I plan to make films in Allah's will
about the true story of Christ Jesus of how he never died, the youth of
the prophet Mohammed, my comics of how Jesus Christ will come back, and
many others inshallah. If Allah wills he will use me to do this task,
for I trust in him, let Allah guide us all. I'll basically go anywhere
that Allah leads me, I hope he uses me for the greater good. One thing I
learned becing a muslim is that you have to show Allah that you are
dedicated and you are going to put everything into it. Its what in the
heart that counts.
9. Why you choose “Isa-Ali” for your muslim name?
haven't yet chosen a muslim name yer, I'm still thinking. I was
thinking of Isa-Ali, but then again, it wouldn't be right if I call
myself Jesus if he will return again, and I know the days are near,; so i
advise nobody to name their children or change their name to Jesus,
just because he will be coming soon according to the prophecies.I was
thinking about choosing a name that reflects me, that fits me perfectly,
inshaAllah ill find it.
10. Please, give your message to Annida's readers?
To those I have three things to say.
I noticed many Muslims that are born into Islam believe that they have a
special advantage over those who just reverted into Islam, but they are
justifying their birth as Muslims to be careless of the prayers. This
is untrue so I tell them to wake up, or they will face the same
punishment as the unbelievers.
2) I
also want to give advice to those want to start giving dua to the
unbelievers. All Muslims should carry at least one Qur'aan with them, to
be prepared to give away to someone who is interested.
Read the Qur'aan at least once a day, whether its a verse, or a whole
Surah, if you seek the knowledge of Allah, then he will provide, God
loves those who fight for his true religion. What has there not been
that Allah has not done for you, for he is perfect, all you have to do
is ask, and read his Qur'aan and he will provide. Reading the Qur’aan is
like going to a private class to learn, and Allah is your personal
teacher, the more you learn from him, and if he sees your determined HE
will surely give you extra credit.
Data singkat Franklin:
Name: Franklin "Isa-Ali" Taveras II (Isa-Ali is my Muslim name)
Place/Date of Birth: New York, Queens, Sept 6, 1985
Nationality: Half Dominican and half Puerto Rican
Education: High School: Art and Design located in the New York City, I was there when the Towers fell (9/11). I currently attend Five Towns College studing film making.
Hobby: Drawing, reading working on my comics and script/screen play.
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