Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

PANAS: Isu HOT Hari Merdeka


Satu ungkapan yang MENGUBAH sejarah Malaya ketika itu dibawah naungan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Betapa be-ertinya dan gembiranya pada tanggal 31 Ogos 1957. Dan ya, kini Malaysia sudah merdeka selama 56 tahun. TAHNIAH! Saban tahun kita akan melaungkannya tidak kira di negeri mana anda berada. Tetapi nilai kemerdekaan itu makin dilupai.


Memang kita melaungkannya. Tetapi yang berada di dataran menyambut tibanya 12 malam, pasti dapat menyaksikan aksi2 seperti baju kain tak cukup, bersentuhan, bergeselan..dan sebagainya. Ada yang suka. SERIOUSLY. Memang ada yang suka. Tetapi perlukah semua ini? Ok lah, kata zaman dah moden, sambut merdeka perlulah moden jugak. Takkanlah nak berdiri macam dalam kelas kan???

Kesimpulannya, kenapa budaya barat harus kita ikuti? Dalam hati, aku mahukan yang benar biarlah benar, dan mahukan Islam menerajui negara kita. Bukan seperti sekarang. Dah salah tapi buat tak tau. Kerek. Dah kaya sombong. Bawa kereta mahal dah bagi lampu tinggi. Orang potong dia HON. Dia potong kita kita HON buat derkk. Babbbb*****. Geram aku. HAHA. Emo pulak. Ingatlah, segala yang kita kecapi di dunia ini hanya pinjaman daripada Allah swt. Bagi yang bukan Islam, minta2lah tuhan turunkan hidayah kepada mereka. Marilah kita hidup berlandaskan ISLAM.

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

TOP 3: Games for Android

It's GAME again! And now it is on SMART PHONE! Yes, everyone has their own favorite games. But for me, the list below is the Top 3 Android Games ever for me. I am so addict with it!

3. JUST SHOUT (4.3 / 5.0)

I put this as no 3 because the game is good, the graphic is way cool but the only problem is that the game has option to change the map or even costume. You will play in the same map called "The Bridge" and you will be wearing the same maroon shirt. It may be bored. But the interesting is once you collect the weapon, you can start fire your enemy and start counting how much you killed! 
2. EMPIRE DEFENSE 2 (4.5 / 5.0)

Well this is something. The game is inspired by a Chinese history. The heroes in this game use the same name as in the history. Perhaps just a little extra names used to ensure the game is more interesting. If you love strategy game, this I highly RECOMMENDED for you. The graphic again is totally awesome. Maybe the hardest part is to earn the money to upgrade weapon is quite tough!

1. MONSTER SHOOTER 2 (4.9 / 5.0)

Yeay! This is my current mostly addicted game! The graphic, sound, effect and everything are too good to believe! Just a secret for those who don't now, if you manage to add many friends in your list, your energy will easily stay 10 just after you restart the game. And why it can't get 5 stars is because the duration of the game when it is easy, it can last only 20 seconds. If the developer can add more level or more enemies per map, perhaps this is a DREAM game for all. Enjoy!