Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

RESUME TIPS: Work Experience Write Up

Here's the deal. A brief of an article that is ILLEGALLY copied from:

Title:       It's All About Work Experience
Author:   Daryl Wong 

It’s all about perception!

If you are not getting any calls for interviews, even though you have applied for hundreds of jobs, it’s undoubtedly due to your resume lacking the “power” and significantly underselling your abilities and experience.

While you may actually be a very good fit for the roles to which you have applied, chances are that your resume doesn’t instill that perception in the 15-20 seconds that those charged with screening resumes typically spend per applicant.

How does one create the perception? First off, what do all employers look for in a candidate, regardless of the position? They are always looking for candidates that can demonstrate or proof one or more of the following:

  1. Made the company money: What specific projects or work efforts have you completed that directly increased the bottom line?
  1. Saved the company money: Have you developed ways to trim production costs or perform certain tasks more efficiently?
  1. Improved operations and made things run more smoothly: Have you changed office operations, improved employee morale and retention, or increased productivity?
  1. Gone "above and beyond" the call of duty: Have you delivered superior performance on a special project or had sustained performance over a period of time?

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