Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

WISE LIFE: How To Get A Peaceful Mind

Honestly, I often heard about my friends who long times ago were in lower-grade class from me but now working more HIGH class than me. Jealousy kills me! It happen to U too am I correct?

Take a deep breath and think deeply these sentences below.

Once we were born into this world, our GOD, Allah already decided when we will receive the “Rezeki”. It is just a matter of time. It could be tomorrow after U wake up from your bed, or next week, or next month, or next year and so on. And if it not in this living world, we shall receive it during “Akhirat”. Subahanallah! We must believe this. Because in the end a peaceful feeling will born which is “Syukur”. Alhamdulillallah.

That peaceful feeling is good BUT does it mean we must stop from achieving our dreams?

The answer is certainly NO. Remember Allah’s saying “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum melainkan kaum itu sendiri mengubahnya”. If U could extract the meaning of the words, U may end up “Sketching your pitiful dreams harder than anyone”. So go and get it!

Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir & Batin!

As for now I am happy with what Allah had given to me. To my friends who are more successful than I am right now, so be it and keep it up. That is your “Rezeki”. But beware, I will rise and beat U!

P/s: My BIRTHDAY falls on 1st day of RAYA 2012! Sekali je seumur hidup! Aku ada kau ada? =p

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

FOOD REVIEW: Kenny Roger's @ Empire Shopping Mall

Alhamdulillah. Day after day passed in a blink of eyes. Today is the 27th Day of Ramadhan. 

Di harapkan kita dapat mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dan melakukan ibadah sebanyak mungkin. Beruntunglah mereka yang mendapat keberkatan-Nya dan ganjaran pahala yang berlipat kali ganda di Ramadhan ini. Dan alangkah ruginya mereka jika masa disia-siakan dengan shopping sakan, mengumpat, berbuat jahat, berprasangka buruk, menipu, makan dan minum di siang hari dan sebagainya. 

Eh. Aku pernah nampak orang melayu pasangan couple makan secara terbuka. Kulit dan raut wajah macam melayu. Tapi mungkin dia sakit ke. Atau bukan Islam ke. Atau kaum-kaum lain terutama dari Sabah/Sarawak yang agamanya bukan Islam tapi rupa macam melayu. Apa-apa pun tidak elok juga perbuatan itu bukan? Biarlah hati membenci tapi hindarilah mengumpat ok?


Hari puasa ke-23 lepas aku berbuka di Kenny Roger’s @ Empire Shopping Mall Subang. Kalau dah lapar tu semua sedap ke tak habis saja kan? Honestly makanan di Kenny Roger’s tu kurang enak. Ayam kecik dan kuah BBQ sikit. HAHA.

Terjumpa gambar ini di internet. Empire Shopping Mall ni agak santai lah. Dia kecik sahaja. Tapi padat dengan kedai-kedai. Semua adalah. Jaya Grocer pun ada. Murah sikit dari Giant / Tesco kot? Kedai roti The Loaf kesukaan aku pun ada kat sini. Jadi sesiapa nak datang sini boleh lah kalau jiwa nak santai je. Orang tak ramai. Kedai makan banyak. Sekian!

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

CAREER ADVISE: How To Get Promoted Easily?

21st of May 2012 – 14th of August 2012

Total time: 2 Months & 24 Days

It is just 7 days to go before the time reach 3 months. So what is so special after this 3 months? Well, actually it will be the time that I will get the confirmation status of my job at my new work place – MIE. By that time, I can expect some increment in my basic salary. This is really long-awaited by me because with my current (non-confirm salary) which the Nett pay is very low compared to my previous Nett pay at ex-company, it giving me a hard life out here. 

I got debts to pay. I need money to buy/rent house, broadband, etc. I need money to settle my education loan. I need money to buy groceries and perhaps some good foods. And not to forget the saving for my wedding.  Yet the most important – a little appreciation towards my mom. U see? Well, I am not going to announce how much I get but that’s the situation I am living now. So maybe after confirmation it could solve some of those money issues. However it stills not enough! Should be?! I need more!

I admit that I’m greedy and quite often dissatisfied with my salary no matter how much I have. The reason could be because I’m a mere human being who is like U, her, him and everyone who always want to have more and more, more than what can be afford to. U needs to admit this statement. It’s rarely we can find a person who never like “more”. No matter which part in this earth U belongs to, U have this “more” thoughts. But once U adapt to the feeling of “no money to buy”, U will start spending wisely. Like me, in this difficult time of mine especially in fasting month, in a day sometimes I just spend around RM3 – RM9 to buy foods and drinks. If compare to previous year when I still working at my ex-company, the range could be around RM6 – RM15. 

This is great and I think next year no matter how much my salary, I will spend around this year amount also. Got it? When U are familiar with less spending habit, it will naturally grow in yourself regardless of time. Thus money saving is on the way! 

So, back to my story, thinking of the working world, I just don’t understand it yet. This morning, I have some chat with my college. From the chat, I conclude that to rise to the top faster, one must be “close” to boss. But close is not enough. One also must have positive attitude, always doing work by ignoring office politics and self-emotions. High discipline such as coming early to work, no absentees, seldom taking leave are important. Other, excellent integration with team mates, job description and office environment can also add to the points! Oh, ok, it is always be like this in the end – saying is easier than executing it. Yes? No? 

For me to having the mentioned attitude is difficult. Honestly I blamed myself and my ex-company for not providing a good environment to propel further. And now at my new company which I assume is more challenging and offering lots of room to grow, I become hard to adjust myself with it. That is why I usually have no work to be done despite it actually has! The thing is that I need to move my a** by myself! 

I hope that U, the reader, grasps the moral of the story after reading what I have typed. The moral is:
  • Money is surely can’t buy love but without money we can’t buy anything.
  • Try to appreciate what we have in our lives rather than want “more”.
  • How to get promoted to the top quickly?

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

OLIMPIK 2012: Keputusan Semi-Final Badminton London 2012

Yeah! Gemuruh suara~ Pemain No.2 Dunia, Lee Chong Wei baru sahaja melangkah ke Final Badminton Sukan Olimpik London 2012 semalam setelah mengalahkan pemain No.2 China, Chen Long dalam straight set 21 - 13, 21 - 14. HEBAT! Tahniah Lee Chong Wei! U really making Malaysia name ROAR in their ears! A history is in the making!

Lee Chong Wei posing after beating Chen Long

Jadi sekurang-kurangnya Malaysia telah pun mengengam 1 pingat perak. Tetapi sudah pastilah KITA mahukan Lee Chong Wei menang perlawanan Final nanti! Beliau akan menentang musuh tradisi - Lin Dan dari China yang juga pemain No. 1 China dan Dunia. Biarlah Malaysia disegani di London bahkan di pelusuk dunia di dalam arena badminton. 

Tunggu, bukan sahaja Lee Chong Wei, malahan pasangan beregu negara, Koo Kien Keat - Tan Boon Heong akan berentap di pusingan semi-final hari ini. Berdepan pilihan nombor 1 yang juga berada di ranking nombor 1 Dunia, Cha Yun - Fu Haifeng dari China, nyata bukan halangan mudah untuk mereka. Tetapi personally aku rasa Koo Kien Keat - Tan Boon Heong boleh pergi jauh. InsyAllah mereka boleh menang! Dan memberikan pingat ke 2 untuk Malaysia!! Chaiyokk!

It all depends on Koo - Tan

Tetapi jika pun Malaysia menang 2 pingat emas nanti, aku tertanya-tanya, bolehkan barisan pelapis badminton Malaysia mengulangi kejayaan itu atau pergi jauh? This is my concern because Lee Chong Wei is already 30 years old. Siapakah yang bakal mengantikan tempat beliau? Dan beregu pula? Apa-apa pun perjalanan masih panjang. Diharapkan sukan badminton Malaysia terus megah dimata dunia. Go team Malaysia! Go!

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

GET MONEY: Starting a Business? Think this!

Before you even think about starting your own business, ask yourself these questions:

    Am I a risk-taker?
    Why do I want to start my own business?
    Am I not afraid of failure?
    Can I devote my time to making my business work?
    Can I push forward regardless of difficulties?
    Am I confident about my business succeeding?

Taken from this site.
You know? Making a business is always hard at the beginning but easy-rich at the end. Why is that so? Because the owner of the business always working hard and able to answer all questions above with a big capital YES!